podquestion #1

So I have a new concept for you, a podquestion. This is interactive, instead of being passive (listening.) You listen to the question, and answer in the form of a comment. In the future, I may even speak about your responses, instead of replying in a textual medium. So, here is podquestion #1

podquestion #1 – listen here

3 Responses to “podquestion #1”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Well Omar, I told you you should switch to Blockbuster instead of Netflix, but first ..is there even a blockbuster in your neighborhood? And are you actually watching the movies as they come in the mail? Because if you are copying the movies, you can double the amount of movies you get in your “month” with Blockbuster because when you are done with the ones they mail, you take them to the store to switch out for more movies, which then ‘turns’ in the mailed movies and the next ones on your queue are sent out… Plus you can go and get the new relases the day they come out (if you are impatient like me) …
    As for the movies you should to either ..not sure because I cancelled my Blockbuster Online membership and have no idea whats out.
    How about the classic Scarface? You can never watch that movie too many times!

  2. vibrantly Says:

    I’m going to reply as a blog entry, check out the latest post.

  3. pinfeather Says:

    pinfeather says : I absolutely agree with this !

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